Director George Lucas, renowned for the Star Wars franchise, leads the ranking of famous billionaires with an estimated fortune of US$5.5 billion, despite not directing a film since 2005. Forbes’ list of billionaires is dominated by technology entrepreneurs and heirs of large companies, but some celebrities also stand out.
Here are the 14 celebrities on this year’s Forbes billionaires list:
- George Lucas – US$5.5 billion
- Steven Spielberg – US$4.8 billion
- Michael Jordan – US$3.2 billion
- Oprah Winfrey – US$2.8 billion
- Jay-Z – US$2.5 billion
- Kim Kardashian – US$1.7 billion
- Peter Jackson – US$1.5 billion
- Tyler Perry – $1.4 billion
- Rihanna – US$1.4 billion
- Tiger Woods – US$1.3 billion
- LeBron James – US$1.2 billion
- Magic Johnson – US$1.2 billion
- Dick Wolf – US$1.2 billion
- Taylor Swift – US$1.1 billion.